
2022年6月2日 § 0

Rising-sophomore 英语 major Hannah Chung will be studying abroad this summer/fall on an SPU Global Seminar tracing the life and locales of author and Christian apologist C.S. 刘易斯.

作为一名高中生, Hannah felt keenly the desire to take advantage of this feature of her college education. “Even before committing to a university,” she writes, “I knew I wanted to study abroad! There is something about studying in a new location, 走出我的舒适区, and immersing myself in a new culture that really excites me. It also happens that I’ve always wanted to visit England, so when this study abroad opportunity opened up, 我觉得这是个绝佳的机会!

“Just in my first year at SPU, I’ve already taken two classes related to C.S. 刘易斯,” explains Hannah, “and I find his life and work super-fascinating. I’ve been really touched by his work over the course of my life, and I’m really curious to explore the 的地方 that influenced his writing.”

But 刘易斯 isn’t the sole reason for Hannah’s choosing this trip. “I’m also hoping to grow in confidence and come home with a fresh outlook on life after taking the time to step out of my familiar surroundings.”


全球C研讨会.S. 刘易斯

2022年6月2日 § 0

This summer/fall, Professor of 英语 & Writing Mischa Willett will be leading SPU students abroad to the U.K., to study the life and locales of author and Christian apologist C.S. 刘易斯.

According to the seminar’s online description, “Participants in this program will learn the backgrounds, 的地方, and people who influenced this literary titan who mastered so many genres. Students will have an opportunity to take high tea at The Kilns, 路易斯挚爱的牛津家, 在艾迪生大道上漫步, 他的朋友J.R.R. 托尔金引导刘易斯走向信仰, 参观牛津大学图书馆, home to the world’s most important manuscripts, and to enjoy unprecedented access to world-class writers and 刘易斯 scholars.”

Details of the trip are available at SPU Study Abroad’s website.

高级简介:Karuna Khatri

2022年5月24日 § 0

Karuna Khatri is graduating this June with an 英语 literature major and minors in professional writing and honors. “I became an 英语 major because I wanted to read books and get credit for doing it,她最近说。. “I thought it would be home to a community of like-minded individuals who saw the world differently and wanted to talk about it. I didn’t really know what I wanted to be, but I figured I needed to start with something. 我坚持了下来.”

Many students find in an 英语 major at SPU this same sense of community, and perhaps fellow students “who saw the world differently,Karuna写道. “The 英语 Department is so small that you really get to know your professors and classmates.”

Karuna singles out creative-writing courses as one place where size was especially beneficial. “These classes were usually made up of fewer than ten students, which lent to a strengthened sense of community and trust.”

She summarizes her experience with the literature major this way: “Studying 英语 literature as an undergraduate feels like barely scratching the surface of the literary world. I feel that I haven’t read enough old classics or new rising authors. I wish I’d written more papers that I cared about and had more feedback about ways to improve. But I guess it’s this kind of insatiable dissatisfaction that makes people 英语 majors in the first place.”


2022年5月18日 § 0

Luisa LaMagra is graduating next month with triple majors in honors, 政治科学, and 英语 with a creative-writing concentration. In looking back on her time spent in 英语, Lu says that “Every 英语 professor has had their own unique impact on me—I really appreciated the ability to learn and discuss with such diverse opinions and outlooks. 我一直喜欢读书, but the way I was engaging the texts in my 英语 classes took it to another level.

“The best thing about the 英语 Department and being an 英语 major is how accepting everyone is,陆说。. “I have never felt left out when discussing in classes and I’ve always felt that my opinions were listened to—like really listened to and considered by every professor and peer.”

Her view seems summarized by this statement: “There’s really something for everyone in the 英语 Department.”

毕业后, Lu plans to attend law school but only after a gap year during which she plans to use her college-earned skills to satisfy herself. “I’m sure I’ll be doing a lot reading, but one thing I want to try to focus on is writing outside of the university setting. Then again, I’ve learned that life is very unpredictable, so I’m trying to be flexible in my plans.”



2022年5月3日 § 0

Associate Professor of 英语 Peter Wayne Moe has published “Proper Poetical Education” in 数百万,一家在线文学杂志. Follow this link to the essay: http://themillions.com/2022/04/proper-poetical-education.html.

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